The Church were everyone is a part of the FAMILY!

How to join First Baptist Church

Here at First Baptist Church, there are a number of ways that you can connect and unite with our church. At the conclusion of every worship service we will offer the Invitation to Christian Discipleship. It is at that point in the worship service, anyone who so desires to unite with our church can do so.  We understand that this process can be nerve racking and embarrassing for some.  Therefore, if you desire to unite with our church privately, please inform the pastor/minister or a deacon and they will be happy to help you.

Here are the various ways you can join our church:

Uniting with our church via baptism means that one agrees to be baptized and is automatically given the privilege of Church Membership.

Christian Experience
Uniting with our Church by way of Christian experience means that you join our church based on your previous Christian experience. You have already accepted Christ and/or have been baptized.

Letter from Previous Church
Uniting with our church by way of letter means that you are joining our church based on Christian Experience confirmed by a letter from your former church.

Uniting with our church via Watch care means that you are in the area for  a limited period of time due to work, school, etc.  While you are in the area, you choose to worship with our church family without surrendering your membership at your home church.

Virtual Membership
Uniting with our church via virtual membership means that you may seek to join our church even though you may not be in our physical area.  The First Baptist Church welcomes all people and we seek to be a church that connects with any person anywhere

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